first, is that this change has made me to face this fact that i've been ignoring for a long time, that her and i just aren't the same anymore, and we are just not that close anymore. i still remember the time when we used to call each other every week and just talk about the random things, and boys and all that fun stuff, and now things just aren't the same anymore. it's not like it's awkward to tell her stuff or anything, but we've both learned to keep certain things away from each other instead of telling each other everything. this is making me really sad, just seeing good friends drifting away from you, and it's just hard to let go. I've always had a hard time saying good bye. Going from elementary school to middle, or middle school to high school, i'm always the one trying to hold on to the friendship, but only realizing it way later that you've both changed, and the distance between you two is just getting further and further apart. my friend says that it's just life, well i agree with her, some people just leave your life as other enter at the same time, but just this reality is quite depressing, because you can still remember the things that you used to do together......i don't know....
second reason is just the fact that i've changed. it's really something that i can't deny, because i know that i've really become this person i definitely was not 2 or 3 years ago. but i'm thinking, have i really changed? or i've always had this in me, and it's just finally showing up? and i just thought about this song by J-Lo, "i'm still i'm still jenny from the block", hmm i feel like i'm still the same person in a way, but only with a few more things or layers or whatever. hmmm and maybe he was right, that person who hurted me the most, when he said that i was becoming this person, maybe he saw it before anyone else, even before myself. i'm really okay with it, in a way, cuz i'm just having fun, enjoying the freedom and being careless, but then just the idea of whom i've become, which is someone that i've sorta always made fun of. i really don't know if i've changed for the better, or the worse...or maybe both?