Monday, November 30, 2009

Things to be misunderstood

too many things,
we over analyse,
and others,
we don't analyse it enough,
so why do we always do the opposite from what we are suppose to do.

alright so today, I've had 2 incidents, all have something to do with over analyzing, but interesting enough, i misunderstood the meaning for one, and my message got misunderstood for the other. so i'm just feeling the need to talk about it.

so why? why do we do this, is it the receiver's fault or the sender's fault. i guess both, since we could be sending out the message or we are just over analytical, but the point is, that its really annoy. we get our hopes up, or we start freaking out about nothing. and yes, i'm talking about boys and girls, but i mean, is it your fault if ur just friendly to the opposite sex, and they start to think otherwise? and what's wrong with treating the opposite the same way as the same sex?

i don't know, we don't always say the smartest things at the right times. and on the other side, if we do misunderstand what other people are doing/saying, are we hoping/thinking for otherwise? cuz sometimes, you don't really start to see the "signs" once you've started that thought, thinking about that possibility. like you don't think about how someone could like because of the things they've been doing, unless if u ask yourself: do they like me? oh maybe they do, since they did this and that...well i guess it's like in othello, he didn't really think that his wife was cheating on him, till that bad dude told him to think about it, and watch for the signs, and then it became true for othello, altho it really was all in his head, but then anything friendly his wife did with the other dude, all became the signs that they were getting freaky in the bed....

but..i guess there really isn't anyway to stop it, since we always try to fill out those missing pieces of informations with our curiosity and imagination.

hmmm maybe more direct communication would help, instead of figuring it out in your head...but then it just becomes awkward...maybe...but then it's only awkward if u make it awkward...

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